Thursday, 9 June 2011

Video Gamers Can Control Dreams - According to Study

"Playing video games before bedtime may give people an unusual level of awareness and control in their dreams."

According to a study, video gamers, especially avid gamers who spend most of their time playing games, have the sub-conscious ability to want to control their environment, this can translate into their dreams making it lucid, they are also less prone to motion sickness and have better spatial skills. It is thought that the high level of focus or concentration that gamers undergo during hours of playing becomes a habit and it infiltrates their dreams, furthermore it is often found common for gamers to experience lucid dreaming. Perhaps it could be helpful to use playing games as a means of fighting nightmares or even mental trauma.


  1. I have taken control of my dreams before, and I'm an avid gamer.

    Although I doubt it's purely because I play games =D

    Great blog by the way, followed.

    Take a look at mine if you get the time sometime:

  2. that means dreamers can control video games too...? haha great blog..i didnt know that :)

    im new to this so take a look at mine :P

  3. Interesting thought. Maybe I should play more games...

  4. I used to be able to control my dreams when I was young but I lost that a long time ago. I wonder if it was because I had to cut down on the games?

  5. Woah I do this all the time, no wonder I'm such a good dreamer.

  6. Great theory, makes you wonder!

  7. awesome I gotta try to lucid dream xD!

  8. Sweet! So i guess if you are a gamer it should be easier to lucid dream too if you follow the ways to do it.

  9. That's incredible. Maybe I should start gaming then!

  10. I don't even play 3 hours a day and I have dreams about it xD

  11. awesome post man, being a gamer i can say ive had some lucid dreams before pretty neat stuff.

  12. I'm always conscious in my dreams, but never able to control them.

  13. Gaming hasn't helped me lucid dream, but them I'm just a moderate gamer not hardcore.

  14. I don't have much lucidity in dreaming, but zombies often show up in them. Pretty sure that's partially to blame on video games.
