Wednesday, 8 June 2011

The New World Order

Some feel its Biblical Prophecy, others an end of an Age, some believe it to be a conspiracy of men, and man alone dating back thousands or years or more, in order to create a One World Government and a New World Order, some consider forces of Darkness and Evil, and Good and Light are colliding, some even believe Alien Species from Other Worlds or even Other Dimensions are at play and involved, while some just see an unconnected series of random events based on greed, power and desire. While we might not agree on just what is transpiring, we all believe something is transpiring. Many believe one war or another it is going to lead to a radical change in government and how we live our lives here on Earth. Most people who feel this believe there will be a New One World Religion, to go along with a New One World Government, and a New One World Currency. The common idea is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government which replaces sovereign nation-states and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologies its establishment as the culmination of history's progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many front organizations. Whatever the truth may be, we may be in for one hell of a ride.


  1. I'm not sure I believe that a religion will come with it but I do think a currency will come eventually, it will be a while but it will come. Aliens and the rest of it are just things to throw us off the scent. It is bankers, simple as that. Bankers want to (and do) control the world and will never relinquish their control, only strive for more and more. And there is next to nothing we can do about it because their techniques are so subtle and refined that half the time we don't notice them and the other half of the time we can't do anything because we need their services to survive in the current world.

    Oh a small request, could you write in paragraphs? It's quite hard to read so much in one block of text.


    I presume you've seen this site, pretty interesting

  3. Great bloggin, friend! scary!

  4. That is scary but true. We really are going to piss someone off enough to change the whole world.

  5. I do agree in some part of it.
    There is a possability that this is happening right now.
    With RFID chips, mass media, new age culture, globalization, I wouldn't be surprised if this is going on.

  6. As I read this post, the lyrics of "Imagine" by John Lennon floated through my head.

    Have faith in the people, my friend

  7. Thats a scary thought. I've heard about this sort of thing for a long time and yet people are always quick to just brush it off as crazy talk. That is until it happens....

  8. I have thought about those things quite often. It is really hard to know whether we are in the middle of it or it is starting in the near future.

  9. This is an interesting thought.

  10. haha thats an awesome picccyy dude

  11. That is pretty scary, if we all did have 1 government how bad would it be if it was corrupted to the extreme? we couldn't even move to a different country or anything.

  12. Just because someone that it's religious and say that in the future we are going to be tagged and have chips on us doesn't make him a prophet, everyone can use speculation and logic to guess whats coming.

  13. i agree with some of it, but at some part marking like this could be good.

  14. this terrifies me that it is true..

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Freakin luv readin this kind of stuff thx for shating!

  17. The NWO/illuminati conspiracy is everywhere on the internet these days.

  18. "While we might not agree on just what is transpiring, we all believe something is transpiring." Awesome post!

    who knows what the future holds....

  19. Woow, it scares me just to think it might be real :/

  20. Of course, just look at how they control our money system.

    Slavery needs the rulers to feed and house the slaves.

    Economic slavery need the slaves to feed and house themselves.

  21. Good read, have a great weekend!

  22. The alien aspect make it sound too 'out there' for most people to actually suspect a NWO.
